Dire Micro-Finance Share Company held its 19th Regular and 4th Emergency General assembly Meeting of shareholders at Dire dawa New Level Hotel.
In the 19th Regular General Assembly Meeting held, the assembly discussed and unanimously approved four agendas, namely the annual report of the board of directors for the financial year 2023/24 and the annual report of the external auditor for the financial year 2023/24. At the time of presentation, it is stated that the share company’s financial report is prepared according to international financial reporting in a close, thorough and professional manner.
The assembly also discussed and passed a resolution on the issue of share transfer and distribution of the accumulated net profit of the association.
The general assembly also held the 4th emergency general assembly and discussed the amendment of the articles of incorporation of the share company and unanimously approved the amendment.
According to the resolution of the accumulated profit as determined by the 19th regular general assembly, the paid-up capital which was 350 million birr was passed a decision to increase to 500 million birr.

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